Remember the Sacrifice, Remember the Cross

Remember the Sacrifice, Remember the Cross

It seems the world as we know it has taken a left turn when it comes to recognizing Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Even the Country in which we live in, that was founded on biblical principles, has abandoned the same Judeo Christian beliefs that formed our very own existence. You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” - 1 Peter 2:9-10  If I am truly a member of the royal priesthood then let me not forget him in whom I serve. Let me be a pillar of light in a dark place. Let my proclamation be an extension of my character. Let my life serve a purpose bigger than my own desires. Let me live for he who sacrificed his life for me. Let my revelation be the cause of my elevation. I live not for self gratification but to give, praise, honor and exhalation to the one who gave me another chance.

Remember the Sacrifice, Remember the Cross.

( new design dropping March 20th, 2019 )

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  • There’s something about when you recieve him , instead of rejecting the Holy Spirit. I thank the Lord for all the beginning and the end . I ask God to continue to lay his hands on your clothing business “ spreading the word through clothing design “ that’s DOPE! 🙌

    • Princess
  • Praise God every thing you are saying is so true, people need to wake up and get right in Christ.

    • Yvonne Mitchell